The City of Halabja sets in the wide area of Sharazur countryside. The countryside of Sharazur has an extraordinary fertile soil that is acknowledged as the second most fertile land in the world.
A part of Sharazur rests in the boarders of Halabja. It’s agricultural area 11.6 hectares = 28.66 acres. Also it has 4800 hectares = 11862 acres of irrigated land. Plus, 5850 hectares = 14455.6 acres of non irrigated land, and 900 hectares = 2223.9 acre of rocky ground. Moreover, 1600 hectares = 3953.6 acres of the agricultural lands are in farms. 15 – 20 different types of fruits are produced and collected. Up to 9023 farmers work in these agricultural areas that every year 6500-7000 hectares of land are prepared and made for grains. Also, about 40000-50000 tons of grains are produced every year.
Plus, the city 800 hectares of pomegranates farms. Every year, 25000-30000 tons of pomegranates are produced. Halabja pomegranates are the best types pomegranates in Iraq.
In international exhibitions, our pomegranates were recognized as the best types.
We also, have 90,000 of nut trees. Every year, more than 10 million nuts are produced.
Hawraman’s nuts are the best ones and they can be broken with your own hands. The city has various amount of grape production which most of them are Rashmiry and darabola grapes. Because of the wide area of lea land, about 100,000 livestock animals like sheep and goats are fostered. About 10,000 (cows and bulls) are fostered, 781 horses and riding animals, 5252 bee hives, 3 projects for cow farms, and 35 poultry farming projects. Each month, 221 tons of poultry farming products are being produced.
These products are sufficient for the city market. The city also has, 2 projects for fostering partridges. Due to sirwan river in the boarder, every year thousands of tons of fish is presented to the market that Halabja has 5 fish farming projects. Moreover, 100 hectares of olive farms, we also have an olive oil factory; plus, a factory for tomato paste. Plus, 150,000 (TARAKAL products) and around 120,000 tons of various types of fruits are produced.
Yearly, tens of thousands of tons in agricultural, poultry, dairy, and meet products are being exported to the other provinces of Kurdistan and Iraq.